Sunday, November 25, 2012

Source of Thoughts

Have been pondering for sometime now how words and ideas at times seem to flow without much effort and at times don't flow naturally and though the ideas still exist in the mind, they need to be dragged out with so much effort. And if at all you manage to structure them they rarely sound like what you wanted them to sound like. 

On the contrary, at times, especially during meditation, it is amazing how so many little enlightenments keep sprouting! the clearing of my own doubts, questions, the quotes and ideas that form with such clarity and speed! Most times I am tempted to stop my meditation and start writing. Anyhow, everything must definitely have a reason. Isn't it so?

For sometime now, this idea has been on my mind that somehow we are not the source for all the great ideas but are just the tools to pass on the ideas to the world. When yesterday morning, again I was musing with this idea sitting on my couch, I picked up one of my treasured books "creative visualization" by Shakti Gawain and opened a page haphazardly.... The first passage in the page started : "Each one of us has all the wisdom and knowledge we ever need right within us. It is available to us through our intuitive mind, which is our connection with Universal Intelligence". Ah! of course we draw from the Universal Intelligence. So indeed our mind draws from some vast reserves above. Yes, the idea is still in its abstract form but have a hunch this is true.

So, I would put it like this... We need to be in alignment with the source above to get the good flow and for me it would be spiritual alignment. By the way what is alignment? It is rather tricky. There are many things that determine alignment... but the basic point is the purest of intention and most genuine of motives are pre- requisites for best results. Because, you see... when i mean alignment it is being aligned to of course to the nature of the source above, which is of the purest kind. That is why genuineness, and like wise qualities are required to be aligned. This is also why the words of some early 19th century writers like Swami Vivekananda and the latest 21 st century writers like Robin Sharma appeal so much to the crowd, because they are very well aligned to the source above. I believe they are of the most genuine kind of people.

This gives me the further idea that perhaps life too needs alignment to be a wonder. It could basically be done by doing the change in oneself first. Once you are aligned with your higher self and to the purest source above, your life too would be brilliant. Truth is very bright for all to see. Falseness and imitating would dull with time because its nature is dull! Genuineness is the language of the supreme source! Be aligned to it!

~ Ramya

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"Source of Thoughts" by Ramya Jayachandran is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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