The root cause of all Suffering is NOT ‘Attachment’!!
When the problem of Suffering was discussed by Wise Men, the onus, or ‘the power’ factor of the problem was awarded to ATTACHMENT! On its own account ATTACHMENT became the dreaded word feared upon as the root cause of all sufferings! And in the process, the real root cause of the problem has been sidelined! It (the real root cause) has been taken as just a part! of the whole problem, when in fact it controls the crux of the problem!
Let's talk of what is the real root problem, after understanding better why giving the onus of suffering to ATTACHMENT would not be wise for Humanity: Humanity works best when coaxed positively. People* are scared of ATTACHMENT in all its form coming from different objects in this world that cause attachment, that are of course countless! but why to blame all the existing bacteria and viruses in the world for one’s dis-ease when in fact it is one’s body that is the culprit? If you have an excellent healthy physical body, no germs outside can cause you harm. They only target weak physical bodies for their attacks and succeed! Taking the same cue, the root cause of all sufferings exists nowhere outside but in One's Self!
So what is the real root cause of suffering of Humans? It is none other than a connection of a Soul to its Higher Soul! Or…. rather the STRENGTH OF CONNECTION to one's Higher Soul! If the connection of a Soul to its Higher Self'(or the 'Conscience' in a broad worldly sense for people new to spiritual concepts) is at its best, no outside Object or Vice would affect it. In fact a Soul can glide past vices without being afflicted by them. Just like how the leaves of the lotus flower though always floating amidst a pool of water can still remain impermeable to it, a soul too, though surrounded by the worldly vices can still remain unaffected, IF its connection to its Higher Self is strong.
In spiritual terms, the connection to your Higher Soul is called a Spiritual cord. So, only when your spiritual cord is weak the Soul becomes a pawn to all the vices! and goes through intense suffering.. The Stronger your spiritual connection, the lesser chance you have of committing mistakes. So what is the way to safeguard this Spiritual connection that is of utmost importance to a life of happiness and free of suffering? The most powerful way to strengthen one’s spiritual cord is through Meditation but engaging in a good spiritual way of life also assists in the strength of the connection to a certain extent. Balance is an essential ingredient of 'a good spiritual way of life' but even to realize this truth from your own higher intelligence or intuitive mind, you need to have a strong spiritual connection.
Thus a Soul’s spiritual connection takes care of everything! Even thoughts seem to be bridled when the Higher Soul seems to have the control. This could be felt clearly in moments after meditation! That much is the power of your Higher Self over you! With it to guide, you learn to perceive everything and live through life with detachment like the lotus leaves. Attachment itself has its beginnings only when the Spiritual connection becomes weak. The same could apply to all other Vices too! Hence, instead of concentrating our energy on multiple objects to be free of suffering. Just take care of the root cause, everything else should flow smoothly according to the divine will because your Higher Soul is nothing else than a representation of the Highest Soul. When in connection with the Highest Soul, God! You need fear nothing!
Amen _/\_
People*- spiritual people who seek detachment
~ Ramya
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