Thursday, August 27, 2015


Soft hearts feel pain the most. White clothes reflect dirt more. Purity is sensitive to slightest impurity. This is Nature. Understanding Nature is important. As Nature designates the laws of the universe. No point in cursing Nature or the universal law. Though we understand them or not, they are absolutely intelligent, just like their creator. Intelligence is in acting as per the law. This is where most people suffer, as they don't understand what really the laws stand for. For instance, 'soft- heart', purity and white are all 'virtues'. But why would virtues bring about pain? There is a reason behind it. Just because something is nice nothing ought to be in excess. The lesson is not neither to never be soft- hearted, wear white or glorify purity but the lesson is to keep them in balance given their nature!

In fact any extreme would not be right. Balance is the key. Even a beautiful rose has its thorns. God made everything in balance. So instead of being imbalanced with too much sensitivity, goodness etc, be balanced. The metal Gold is used as an ornament because it is both flexible and durable. A clay though is even more flexible is not durable! Being hard is a virtue too. Everything has to be in proportion... in balance. Balance is the golden balance of this universe!

~ Ramya

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013


There are three trusts that are indispensable for man to live. Trust in Life, Trust in God or the Trust that, there is a super power beyond us and finally Trust in one’s own Self, Self- Trust. But of all three, Self- Trust is most important. Surprisingly, it would seem even more important than faith in God, as your inner self is your first God... in essence your inner self is God, a gift, bestowed upon you by the supreme God, given with the loving intention that there is the essence of himself (embedded with all knowledge that you require) ready at hand to help and guide you in times of need. This is why logically it would seem that even people who don’t believe in God survive, in fact many thrive too... BECAUSE they keep faith in themselves. Trust in oneself is that important! It would be the very essence of one's living!- to connect and trust our inner essence! And of course the essence of our essence is... God.
          ~ Ramya
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Lord Buddha rightly said, Your mind is everything. What you think, you become.
 Every single thought of yours has Energy. Wherever your thought goes, the Energy too goes. The more the Energy, the more the power. God has the most Energy, and hence the most powerful. It is because Energy is present everywhere, he is Omnipresent; as without Energy nothing functions in this universe, he is Omnipotent; and as Energy pervades all he is Omniscient. If Energy has this much power, then be careful where you put your energy on. If your mind is the director of thoughts which carry energy particles with them, then be careful to send what thoughts (good or bad energy particles, positive or negative energy particles) and to ‘Whom’ and to ‘What’ as Energy affects everything it touches too!
 When old wise people have already told us through repeated words of being careful about one’s thoughts, it is not a cock and bull story, it is a truth, learnt through thousands of years… perhaps even more. Everything is Energy. Thought is the most potent Energy in hand with human beings that God bestowed has on each one to make or destroy his life. The weapon is in man’s own hand. But he keeps blaming God in ignorance. God’s is so great that he gave freewill to all. Just because he has power doesn’t mean he imposes himself in human decisions and thus in man’s own destiny, the destiny is man’s own, that much of power is given to him and most people are ignorant that thoughts indeed do create life, in fact destinies.
Even Karma can be counteracted through your change of thoughts, the power of your mind, most people are ignorant and take fate fatefully. When bad things do happen, all one needs to do is to firmly stick on to certain wise sayings of wise people. These wisdom quotes could be difficult for a normal man’s accustomed lazy mind. But that is the man’s onus. Everyone has to work for his/her credit. Life now with all this wisdom passed down by wise elders is in fact easy. One simply just needs to take those wise sayings gotten out of real life experiences seriously. One just simply needs to follow them as rule of the thumb. Of course, man’s own logic is the ultimate dictator as to what to follow and what not to. Freewill is a gift! Use it rightly for what is was meant to do! To rightly guide your life!... through Rightful Thoughts!

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Man's Perfection through Imperfection

            Why is it that one cannot expect perfection from human beings?  
Simply because they are not perfect, neither do they live in a perfect world.  
Perfect here is not in the derogatory sense, but in a very logical sense. What logic? Well, if someone does something for another with a good intention and the other person mistakes it and thinks the deed is done with bad intention, then obviously it means that human beings' sensing capacity is not as highly developed. Whatever humans go by in life is only through their limited means of seeing, sensing, touching etc, all 'humanly' attributes available to them in this world.
If humans really were to be perfect, then the perfect sensing capacity of one person, should have easily captured the right intention of the other person right away. Thus when 'poor' humans have to live by such limited capacities in them and their surroundings, it is only natural not to be too hard on them by expecting perfection. 
Hence how is then, the way to function in this imperfect world with imperfect human beings?
It is, by understanding this fact about imperfection as a reality and hence making amends for all the imperfections found in human beings. Above all this, a realization has to come that one should try to be one’s best and do the best in one’s given situation.

In fact this would be the whole theme of our life in this world. To strive for perfection from imperfect states of being and amidst imperfect conditions.
Well but why should we? and what is the point of all this trying to achieve perfection through imperfection?!
As is always the case, nothing is without a reason and God created even these imperfect conditions for a reason. The reason being that these are the ideal conditions for developing one’s best attributes/ character.
Love, Patience, Tolerance, Compassion, etc are supposed to be good traits, but to achieve the highest caliber in even all these traits, it requires extra ordinary conditions, meaning only the best come out of it! In fact this is the job that all of us are striving to do either knowingly in the name of spirituality or unknowingly in the name of humanity development.
 By the way, ever thought why if human beings were really imperfect they still keep expecting perfection?
Logically, if  a human being is imperfect, that is what he/she is! and he/she should not feel different about it!  just like how they don’t feel different about having appendages such as hands or legs or even a human body as such. Human beings take that as normal so why shouldn't they accept their imperfections as normal too?
Why does it keep sticking out of place with them?
It is because a humans' soul in essence is perfect! or comes from a perfect world! This is why they feel something amiss. Their innate sense senses this. This knowledge embedded in them keeps making them look for it everywhere in this world too. 
      With all this comprehension it is only wonderful    
      to see what God's real plan was in creating all the 
      imperfect scenarios
            Man's Perfection through his imperfections! 

            ~ Ramya 

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"Man's Perfection through Imperfection" by Ramya Jayachandran is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Most people when faced with a difficult situation immediately react. And in 3/4th cases, the reactions are nothing but damaging. This is to explain the scenario in worldly terms, but there is a deeper spiritual side to it, and it involves something more serious. It involves Karma. By reacting, to any given situation we are creating Karma. Good or bad, based on our reactions. To not react as per emotions, or to be precise, to not react as per negative emotions, is one of the hardest lessons for one to learn in the spiritual path. Given any explosive nature, it would be nearly impossible. But this would be the test of mettle of a genuine spiritual aspirant. If it is passed, then the wisdom of such a non- reaction would dawn on her/him.

A true spiritual aspirant doesn't react from her/his lower emotions. In extreme cases any reaction to save oneself by hitting at the other with disregard to the harm caused to the other would be to her/his undoing. Karma is created. If the reaction is damaging, then repercussions are going to be in same lines, not just for the opponent but for oneself in the long run. Karma, reacts at its chosen time. 

I have had to learn hard lessons from 'Life' my Teacher! Me being the difficult student had taken a long time to take the point into head. But... there is one advantage to learning the hard way... the lessons learnt are very strong! I believe, I shall carry them with me for incarnations to come. I have also realized that to act in the best possible interests for all concerned would not only save others, but oneself! That is the magic of Karma :) Needless to say the act of everyone benefiting amplifies the joy more. The taste of the happiness is of a higher kind. When Master Choa Kok Sui said "When a situation is beyond your control, just be calm" it is with great wisdom to it.

It is quite possible! albeit with a lot of effort from oneself, to not jump over the mountain or dive deep into the ocean! for a given situation or say a disturbing situation. By being calm and working out a solution to see positiveness, for all concerned in show of universal love would be quite beneficial to oneself and take the spiritual aspirant one step forward in the beauty of evolution of the Self.
It is a hard target, but the gift of wisdom attained after such 'tenacity' is immeasurable. A spiritual aspirant thus adds one more feather to his cap of spiritual wisdom, that shall remain with him for many incarnations to come. Of course, there are a lot more accomplishments to be done. But achieving one good spiritual wisdom after another, is adding one more feather to her/his wings to finally lift and fly high where he/she really wants to go... up above.

~ Ramya

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THE WISDOM OF NON-REACTION by Ramya Jayachandran is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Friday, November 30, 2012


An intelligent way to counteract (Over)Pride. It struck me the other day how, man thinks "Woww man! you know?.. I accomplished that!! m toooo! intelligent m greater than God himself! :P and then feels proud about it". Heheh.. 

Well imagine, You create a robot. You program it to perform a certain set of tasks, say talk. Now does the credit of the robot talking belong to the robot?!! or You? You right? because it was You! who created and programmed the robot with the capacity to talk!! 

Similarly the credit for all your accomplishments goes to YOUR Creator, God! Be thankful that he embedded you with capabilities that you can execute. Of course, God being God is more intelligent than Man, so his creation 'Man' is more intelligent than the robot and has the capability to have a will. A will/choice to do things or not. A freedom to be the reason for his destiny by choices that he himself makes. 

Because of this, Man is the one who decides to make use of his talent or not, he also can take a little credit, to feel proud to the limit that is deemed healthy enough for him to feel good about himself(confidence), which he should use as a TOOL to further encourage himself to achieve more not become arrogant because arrogance always leads to downfall at some point or the other.
~ Ramya.

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"Pride" by Ramya Jayachandran is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Acheiving Enlightenment or Buddhahood

Achieving Buddhahood is not easy. Only those who are “ready” receive it. What is being “ready”? It is becoming absolutely pure. What is becoming absolutely pure? It is a state where you have no more vices (Pride, Judgement, Jealousy etc..) in your system and is achieved through, LIVING the spiritual teachings on all levels! of your being!

To take an example, when one spiritual teaching says “Do n

ot Judge” it simply means do not judge, no matter what. The bright words here are “no matter what”. If you can be that, then you have achieved that virtue of non- judgment. So it is for every other virtue. Now you know how pure Lord Buddha must have been to achieve enlightenment! Obviously only such pure beings deserve enlightenment. Actually enlightenment is to understand everything, to know the real state of things. Then obviously when such understanding comes, there can be no judgment. Even I have a code to not judge. Compared to my years before spirituality and now, I have made a lot of progress. But sometimes, I surprise myself when I catch myself judging. That simply means to say I’ve still got a lot of work to do!

Was also thinking about another important virtue required for spiritual aspirants – Humility. Pride (in the negative sense) is another blockage for enlightenment. The truth is, you shall never receive the highest spiritual truths until you keep getting even slightly flustered and your ego gets bloated every now and then. This is what exactly means you are still not “ready” for Buddhahood. “Pride” is a real pain, quite difficult to find where you are over stepping. Well so it is for every vice because, all supposed vices have their own positive points when used in the right sense but since the line demarcating the vice from virtue is very thin sometimes we overstep. This is a very clever setting. Achieving mastery over oneself is not supposed to be easy. But with practice and diligence we can one day tame our ego to be completely stable of even the slightest flutters.

In fact the other day, was thinking this world is full of Mayas. Everything is a trap on our path to Buddhahood. The one who can be intelligent enough to escape all the traps finally reaches the heavens. Was wondering about the worldly and most commonly romanticized love between a Man and Woman. Isn’t that a trap by itself? It is a chain that ties us down to earth, when we want to rise above to the heavenly realms. Without these chains you are absolutely free to rise. Isn’t this why Lord Buddha too left familydom? Just my viewpoint but anyhow, Soul evolves step by step and sometimes perhaps even familydom is essential to evolve from one step to another! And if we are not yet ready perhaps at that particular stage to be otherwise , it is not a wise idea to try something that could even be dangerous. So let’s flow according to our divine plan and get “ready” :-) 

~ Ramya.

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Acheiving Enlightenment or Buddhahood by Ramya Jayachandran is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at