Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Man's Perfection through Imperfection

            Why is it that one cannot expect perfection from human beings?  
Simply because they are not perfect, neither do they live in a perfect world.  
Perfect here is not in the derogatory sense, but in a very logical sense. What logic? Well, if someone does something for another with a good intention and the other person mistakes it and thinks the deed is done with bad intention, then obviously it means that human beings' sensing capacity is not as highly developed. Whatever humans go by in life is only through their limited means of seeing, sensing, touching etc, all 'humanly' attributes available to them in this world.
If humans really were to be perfect, then the perfect sensing capacity of one person, should have easily captured the right intention of the other person right away. Thus when 'poor' humans have to live by such limited capacities in them and their surroundings, it is only natural not to be too hard on them by expecting perfection. 
Hence how is then, the way to function in this imperfect world with imperfect human beings?
It is, by understanding this fact about imperfection as a reality and hence making amends for all the imperfections found in human beings. Above all this, a realization has to come that one should try to be one’s best and do the best in one’s given situation.

In fact this would be the whole theme of our life in this world. To strive for perfection from imperfect states of being and amidst imperfect conditions.
Well but why should we? and what is the point of all this trying to achieve perfection through imperfection?!
As is always the case, nothing is without a reason and God created even these imperfect conditions for a reason. The reason being that these are the ideal conditions for developing one’s best attributes/ character.
Love, Patience, Tolerance, Compassion, etc are supposed to be good traits, but to achieve the highest caliber in even all these traits, it requires extra ordinary conditions, meaning only the best come out of it! In fact this is the job that all of us are striving to do either knowingly in the name of spirituality or unknowingly in the name of humanity development.
 By the way, ever thought why if human beings were really imperfect they still keep expecting perfection?
Logically, if  a human being is imperfect, that is what he/she is! and he/she should not feel different about it!  just like how they don’t feel different about having appendages such as hands or legs or even a human body as such. Human beings take that as normal so why shouldn't they accept their imperfections as normal too?
Why does it keep sticking out of place with them?
It is because a humans' soul in essence is perfect! or comes from a perfect world! This is why they feel something amiss. Their innate sense senses this. This knowledge embedded in them keeps making them look for it everywhere in this world too. 
      With all this comprehension it is only wonderful    
      to see what God's real plan was in creating all the 
      imperfect scenarios
            Man's Perfection through his imperfections! 

            ~ Ramya 

Creative Commons License
"Man's Perfection through Imperfection" by Ramya Jayachandran is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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