Soft hearts feel pain the most. White clothes reflect dirt more. Purity is sensitive to slightest impurity. This is Nature. Understanding Nature is important. As Nature designates the laws of the universe. No point in cursing Nature or the universal law. Though we understand them or not, they are absolutely intelligent, just like their creator. Intelligence is in acting as per the law. This is where most people suffer, as they don't understand what really the laws stand for. For instance, 'soft- heart', purity and white are all 'virtues'. But why would virtues bring about pain? There is a reason behind it. Just because something is nice nothing ought to be in excess. The lesson is not neither to never be soft- hearted, wear white or glorify purity but the lesson is to keep them in balance given their nature!
In fact any extreme would not be right. Balance is the key. Even a beautiful rose has its thorns. God made everything in balance. So instead of being imbalanced with too much sensitivity, goodness etc, be balanced. The metal Gold is used as an ornament because it is both flexible and durable. A clay though is even more flexible is not durable! Being hard is a virtue too. Everything has to be in proportion... in balance. Balance is the golden balance of this universe!
~ Ramya
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